Samedi 27 Août 2011  
Projet Montréal lance une pétition pour amasser des signatures afin d’entamer une réflexion vers l’adoption d’une stratégie pour mieux encadrer la pratique de l’agriculture urbaine afin qu’elle soit exploitée à son plein potentiel à Montréal.

Jewish General Hospital
20 ton sculpture donated by artist
Article mis en ligne le jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Photo Courtoisie
Dr. Harry Rosen at the dedication of his sculpture installation.

It took Dr. Harry Rosen two years to create the monumental sculpture entitled ‘The Ascent’.

The inspiration comes from the quotation “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” Rosen wanted to offer it as a gift to the Jewish General Hospital. Today, fittingly, it stands in front of the hospital’s Lady Davis Institute, a medical research facility on Côte-Ste-Catherine Rd.

Rosen, a renowned Montreal prosthodontist and passionate sculptor, works with stone he quarries from sites in the Laurentians. The installation, in a park-like setting, reveals a figure scaling a wall, with an arm outstretched toward the sky. It symbolizes, Rosen says, humanity’s struggle to surmount challenges, such as the hunt for medical cures.

After the work was completed in the Laurentians, the next challenge was to transport it to the Jewish General Hospital site, which was a major feat of engineering in itself. That involved using a crane, a flatbed truck, and welding. “I was fortunate to be able to inspire a whole group of volunteers to donate their skills and services at no cost to the hospital,” Rosen explains.

Now that it’s solidly in place, ‘The Ascent’ inspires comments from hospital visitors and passers-by. “It reminds me that anything is possible if we try to reach beyond what we think are our abilities,” a resident commented. “When I look at the sculpture, it makes me feel good.”

[Gerri Barrer]

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