Samedi 27 Août 2011  
Projet Montréal lance une pétition pour amasser des signatures afin d’entamer une réflexion vers l’adoption d’une stratégie pour mieux encadrer la pratique de l’agriculture urbaine afin qu’elle soit exploitée à son plein potentiel à Montréal.

Residents dispute planned car wash
Article mis en ligne le jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Photo Anja Karadeglija
Masud Alemzadeh is the owner of Hingston Garage, which is adding a car wash. Some neighbours are concerned it could cause traffic and parking problems.

Despite the hopes of some neighbours that the two sides could come to a compromise, the owner of Hingston Garage said that he would not work with the community to address their complaints.

“If they are against my car wash – I am sorry, no,” said Masud Alemzadeh. “There is nothing I can do.”

A section of Alemzadeh’s garage, which services taxis, is under construction and will be converted into a car wash, which should be open within a month.

Lisa Cahn, who lives nearby, said that the residents’ dissatisfaction with the garage began before the construction of the car wash started. The site is located at de Maisonneuve Blvd. and Hingston Ave.

“The garage has always been a bit unsightly,” she said. “People complained to me: noise pollution, air pollution, visual pollution and the smell of spray paint.”

Alemzadeh said that those things are simply part of the business.

“Noise, fumes, oil – it’s a garage!” he exclaimed.

Cahn said that the addition of the car wash might increase both the amount and speed of traffic, as well as add to parking problems.

In early September, Cahn brought up the topic at a borough council meeting, but was informed that the zoning allows for the change.

She decided to contact the owner directly. “I had a good chat with Mr. Alemzadeh and [said] I don’t want to fight with him,” Cahn said. “Let’s have a beautiful de Maisonneuve, with businesses that actually improve the quality of life along the tracks.”

If the community is able to be a part of improving the site, she said, “residents may still not like the car wash, but can we at least make it into something that is not so noisy and smelly, something clean-looking?”

Alemzadeh said that it’s too late to ask for cooperation, but argued that once the car wash is built, any increased traffic will stay on de Maisonneuve because that is where the exit will be located.

Because only half of the space will function as a garage, there will also be fewer fumes and other problems, he concluded.

[Anja Karadeglija]

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